V247 Privacy Policy


V247 Technology highly values your privacy, which is the reason why this Privacy Policy, covering how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your information, is formulated. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”) is intended to explain your rights and how V247 Technology will collect, use, store, disclose and transfer your personal information. It applies to all services provided by V247 Technology’s official website, web application and mobile application in software developed by V247 Technology (including but not limited to V247), and the functions included in these services (hereinafter referred to as “our products and/or services”). “we” hereinafter all refer to “V247 ”.

This policy will help you understand:

  1. Where does this policy apply?

  2. How will we collect and use your personal information?

  3. How do we use Cookie and other similar technologies?

  4. How will we store and protect your personal information?

  5. How will we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information?

  6. How do we deal with juveniles’ personal information?

  7. What are your rights?

  8. What emails and information will be sent to you?

  9. How does the revision of this policy work?

  10. How to contact us?

Where does this policy apply?

This policy applies to all services provided by V247 Technology’s official website, web application and mobile application in software developed by V247 Technology (including but not limited to V247), and the functions included in these services.

In addition to this policy, other data and privacy information may be embedded in our products to provide a more comprehensive description of additional functions that require the use of your particular information. Before activating these functions, we will prompt you with a pop-up window and offer a link at a prominent place so that you can view privacy information related to them at any time.

This policy constitutes the basic legal document for your use of our products and/or services. We hope that before using them, you have carefully read this policy and fully understood its contents. We hope that you can make the right choice based on your own understanding. After we update this policy (of which you will be timely informed), your continued use of our products and/or services means that you accept the contents of this policy (including the updated version), and agree to our collection, use, storage, disclosure and transfer of your information in accordance with this policy.

Please take time to read our policy on customer privacy. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

How will we collect and use your personal information?

Personal information is data that can be used to identify or contact a specific individual. Whenever you contact V247 or its affiliates, you may be asked to provide your personal information. V247 and its affiliates may share the information and use it in accordance with this policy, and may also combine it with other information to offer and improve our products, services, contents and advertising. You don’t have to provide the personal information we request, but if you choose not to provide it, we, in many cases, will not be able to provide you with our products or services, or respond to any questions you may have.

Here are some examples of what personal information may be collected and how it will be used:

Personal information that we collect and use

V247 is a video-based IoT solution provider that provides security, visual management and big data services worldwide. Our products and services include basic functions like playback and processing of surveillance videos, equipment operation and control, and equipment sharing. Your information will be collected, stored and used to achieve these functions. If you do not provide the information, you will not be able to enjoy our products or services.

Some additional functions are offered in our products and services, including value-added services such as cloud storage, message reminding and device unbundling. If you use them, your personal information will be collected. If you do not provide the information required, you can still access basic functions related to the product, but will not be able to use its corresponding additional functions. While using our products and/or services, your information (which you provide when you use them, or is generated from your using them) will be collected in the following manners, so that we can offer our products and/or services, optimize our products and services, and secure your account:

a. When registering for an account to use our products and/or services, you will need to provide your email address, password, etc. By collecting email address, we mean to confirm that the account is yours when you sign up for an account, forget the password, or accidentally disclose the password. While you retrieve your password, a verification code will be to your email address. Your password can be reset only by filling in the correct verification code. Profile pictures, nicknames and real names are personalized settings, which you can choose not to set. But once you do, it means that you agree to provide this information to us;

b. When you use our software to scan QR codes containing device serial number, or turn on audio intercom, you need to agree to our camera and microphone permissions call. If you do not agree, we won’t get the information in QR code or help you achieve intercom;

c. When you use intercom in our software, your audio information will be collected and sent to your device after you authorize the use of microphone. Intercom is an additional function. If you do not authorize the collection of audio information, your use of not only intercom function, but also basic functions will be affected;

d. When you use our software to view photos, take pictures, capture screenshot, record videos, etc., you need to agree to our album access request, so that you can successfully obtain album information and save the information to your album. If you do not agree to the request, we will not be able to get your photo album information or save photos and videos to your album;

e. When you turn on message reminder, you’ll need to grant us permission to push notifications, and screenshot of videos taken by your camera will be collected and pushed to you. You can turn this function off via account settings;

f. When you use our cloud service, you need to bind your camera and other products to the cloud server to upload videos to the server. Product serial number and product verification code that you bind will be collected, which are unique product basic information and basic information that must be collected for this purpose and for further providing you with basic services like previewing and storing videos and value-added services;

g. When making a payment, you can choose the payment service provided by a third-party payment agent that cooperates with is (including WeChat, Paypal and other payment channels, hereinafter referred to as “payment agents”). Your personal information will not be collected through the payment function itself, but your order number and transaction amount will be shared with these payment agents to make them confirm your payment instructions and complete payments;

h. When you apply for product unbundling, your device serial number, device photo with QR code, and more will be collected and checked to determine if you are the current legitimate user of the product and decide whether we should accept your application. If you do not provide the above information, we will be unable to offer you unbundling service;

i. If we need to obtain your personal information beside the above circumstances, we will re-acquire your explicit consent and fully explain to you the application scenario as well as the contents and scope of application of your relevant information.

Rules for our use of your personal information

Your personal information will be used in accordance with the following rules:

a. Your personal information will be collected in accordance with the terms of this policy and for the realization of our product and/or service functions;

b. Commercial electronic information (including text messages, emails, etc.) will be sent to you to provide you with product/service information related to you. If you do not want to receive the information, you can unsubscribe the functions via “unsubscribe” in the information we send;

c. Please note that all personal information you provide to us while using our products and/or services will continue to be used during your use of our products and/or services unless you delete them or refuse us to collect them through account settings or system settings. We will stop using and delete your personal information when you close your account;

d. Statistics on your use of our products and/or services will be collected and shared with the public or third parties to demonstrate the overall usage trends of our products and/or services, without containing any of your ID information;

e. When your personal information is displayed, it will be desensitized through content replacement and anonymization;

f. When we want to use your personal information for other purposes not covered by this policy, or for information collected for a specific purpose to serve other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance. You are fully aware that in the following circumstances, your personal information will be collected and used without your consent:

a. The information is directly related to national security and national defense security;

b. The information is directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

c. The information is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

d. We need to maintain the vital rights and interests of subjects of personal information or other individuals, including personal and property rights, but it is too difficult to obtain your consent;

e. The personal information collected is disclosed by subjects of the information to the public;

f. Your personal information is collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports and government information disclosure;

g. The information is necessary for signing contracts according to your requirements; h. The information is necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of our products and/or services, such as discovering and disposing of product and/or service failures;

i. The information is necessary for legitimate news reports;

j. The information is necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research based on public interest, and the institutions de-identify personal information contained in the results when providing research or description results to other people/organizations;

k. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

a. Cookie

Cookie is a mechanism that allows servers (or scripts) to store and retrieve information on websites or clients. When you use our products or services, one or several small data files named Cookie will be sent to your computer or mobile device. The Cookie assigned to you is unique and can only be read by the web server that publishes Cookie to your domain. It usually contains identifiers, site names, numbers and characters. Cookie technology is used to simplify your re-login steps, store your browsing preferences or data in your shopping cart to show you personalized home screen based on your shopping preferences, help you optimize your choices of and interactions with ads, and help check your login status and account or data security.

We promise that our research on Cookie information is only used to improve service and product quality and to optimize user experience. Your cookies will not be used for any purpose not covered in this policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For more information, please visit AboutCookies.org. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser settings to reject cookies according to your needs. In addition, you can also clear all cookies stored in the software. However, if you do so, you may need to change user settings yourself each time you visit V247’s website or software, the information you recorded previously will be deleted, and the security of the services you use may be impacted.

b. Web beacons and pixel tags

In addition to Cookie, other technologies like web beacons and pixel tags are used on our website. For example, the emails sent to you may contain URLs that link contents of our website. If you click the link, the click will be traced to understand your product or service preferences and improve our customer service. A web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. With pixel tags in emails, we can tell if an email has been read. If you don’t want your events to be tracked this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

How will we store and protect your personal information?

All users’ personal information shall be collected in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Our cloud-computing solution is based on Amazon EC2 and all users’ information will be stored on Amazon’ servers. In order to enhance access efficiency of international users, 4 servers have been established in Singapore, Beijing (China), Frankfurt (Germany), and California (the US). All data will be simultaneously updated at servers stationed in these 4 areas, which allows users to be automatically connected to the geographically-closer sever. (For more information about Amazon EC2, please visit https://www.amazonaws.cn/ec2/).

Our cloud videotaping storage solution is based on Amazon S3, which supports data transmission through secured channels and automatic data backup upon data uploading. (For more information about Amazon S3, please visit https://www.amazonaws.cn/s3/details/).

Users’ personal information security has always been V247’s top priority. We have been sparing no efforts to protect our users’ personal information, and a special data security department has been set up for this purpose. To prevent personal information from being accessed, copied, modified, transmitted, erased, damaged, processed and used under any accidental and unauthorized situations, all the following measures have been taken and will be continued in the future to protect your personal information:

a. Encryption techniques such as Safe Transfer Protocol has been adopted in our internet service. Browsing services through https and the like are provided to guarantee your information uploading security;

b. To provide security support for data communication, signaling transport will be conducted under Security Socket Layer encryption techniques when the user-end communicates with the terminal-end;

c. Your personal information will be stored in encrypted form both on web and local servers;

d. In order to prevent data from being illegally used, a strict data usage and access system has been established. Strict access permission supervision and identity verification technologies have also been applied. Only those who are authorized will be granted the access to users’ information under the obligation of confidentiality;

e. We promise that whenever there is a long-distance assistance, repair service or commodity return following equipment failures, users’ information will not be used and will be kept under strict management and kept confidential;

f. Enhanced security awareness. In order to strengthen our staff’s awareness of the importance of personal information, regular training regarding data security and privacy protection is held.

Risk of information disclosure is inevitable in the internet environment. Should any information disclosure happen due to accidents or force majeure, we will take immediate emergency response measures and inform you of the cause, security measures we have taken and security measures that users can take.

If there shall be any security incidents concerning personal information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, you will be informed of: basic information about the incident and its possible consequences, security measures we have taken or are going to take, suggestions that might help you reduce risks and remedial measures. All information related to the incident will be reported to you through email, letter, telephone call or push notification. If it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will publish an announcement in a reasonable and effective way. Meanwhile, all information will be reported to relevant supervision government organs in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Having taken all of the above-mentioned security measures and strictly abiding by relevant laws and regulations, we still cannot guarantee your information security if you use any unsafe communication channels. You are suggested to take active measures to protect personal information such as setting a complex password, regularly changing your password and not disclosing password and account information to others.

How will we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information?

1. Sharing

Your information will not be shared with any company, organization or individual other than V247 except under the following circumstances:

a. V247 has obtained you or your guardians’ definite consent;

b. The information has to be shared due to mandatory government requirements or judicial decisions;

c. Information will be shared whenever V247 initiates a lawsuit or arbitration against certain users to protect its own rights and interests;

d. Information will be shared when the situation fits the service and information usage agreements signed between you and V247;

e. Information will be shared in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in order to protect the interests of V247, its partners, other users or the public;

f. Information will be shared when the situation fits the agreements that you have signed with a third party;

g. Information will be shared for academic research. Besides, in order to provide better services, your order information, account information and equipment information may be shared with our partners. All users’ information will be shared in a legal, necessary, specific and clear way and only information that is necessary for providing better services will be shared. Our partners are not allowed to use our users’ information for any other purposes under any circumstances.

You can share your videos, location, identity, etc. with specific people, or share them with unspecified people based on our products and/or services. V247 does not assume legal responsibility if any information disclosure arises from your information sharing.

2. Transfer

Your personal information will be not transferred to any company, organization or individual except for the following circumstances:

a. Having obtained your explicit authorization, your information will be transferred to other parties;

b. If V247 deals with mergers, liquidation and acquisition, we will require new companies and organizations that hold you personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. Otherwise, we will ask the companies or organizations to seek permission from you again.

3. Public disclosure

Your personal information will be disclosed only in the following circumstances;

a. Having obtained your clear consent;

b. Based on laws, regulations, legal procedures, litigation or mandatory requirements of competent government departments.

How do we deal with juveniles’personal information?

a. We attach great importance to protecting juveniles’ information. If you are under 16, please seek your parents’ or guardians’ written permission before using our products and services. We will protect juveniles’ information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

b. For juveniles’ information collected with their parents’ and guardians’ permission, it will only be used or publicly disclosed if it is permitted by law, with the explicit consent of their parents or guardians, or under conditions necessary for protecting them.

c. Should we find out any juveniles’ information has been collected without their parents’ or guardians’ permissions, immediate measures will be taken to delete relevant data.

What are your rights?

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, standards, and common practices of other countries and regions, we guarantee that you can exercise the following rights to protect your personal information:

1. The right to access or correct your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions stipulated by laws and regulations. The data are accessible in the following ways:

a. Your account information All personal information uploaded to V247 can be viewed via [Account Management – Account Information] at user end of V247’s products. You can also update your personal information via the same way. Detailed steps for cell phone users are as follows: click profile picture on the menu at left, enter personal profile interface, and update your personal information.

b. Inaccessible personal information and information cannot be corrected Apart from the above-listed information, we are currently unable to provide access and correction service for some of your information, which is your equipment information collected mainly for improving user experience and safeguarding transaction security, and your personal information generated after using additional functions. We will use the information within the scope of your authorization. You are not allowed to access or correct this part of information, but can contact us for deletion or anonymization.

2. The right to delete your personal information

You are allowed to delete or erase information via [Our Products/Services], including unbundling a device and closing an account.

In the following circumstances, you can request to delete your personal information:

a. If your personal information is processed in an illegal way;

b. If your personal information is collected or used without your consent;

c. If your personal information is processed against the agreement between us;

d. If you close your V247 product/service account;

e. If we terminate our services and operations. If we decide to approve your deletion request, we will also require entities having obtained your personal information to delete it unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulation or these entities have obtained your independent authorization. When you delete your personal information from our services, relevant information may not be immediately deleted from the backup system, but will be deleted after backup updates.

3. The right to change the scope of your authorization or withdraw your authorization

You can change the scope of your authorization of continued information collection or withdraw your authorization through deleting information, closing device function or setting your privacy patterns on V247’s official website or software. You can also withdraw all your authorizations of continued information collection by closing your account.

Your understanding will be highly appreciated. Some of your basic personal information is need to fully complete every single service and function. If you withdraw your consent or authorization, we will be neither able to continue to provide relevant services, nor to process your relevant personal information. However, your withdrawal will not interfere information processing having happened before the withdrawal.

4. The right to close an account

You can close your account at anytime in the following ways: We will cease to provide products or services to you after your account is closed. Your information will be preserved during your use of our products or services. It will be still preserved for another 6 months in accordance with relevant laws and regulations for internet security after you close an account or delete your personal information. And 6 months later, it will be permanently deleted.

5. The right to respond to your mentioned-above requests

You can contact us via fivestarv247@hotmail.com in the following situation: If you cannot access, correct or delete your personal information through the above-mentioned methods, or you need to access, correct or delete other personal information generated by using our products or services, or you deem that V247’s deeds are against laws and regulations or agreements regarding personal information collection. For safety concerns, we might need you to provide a written request or verify your identity in other forms. Your requests will be replied within 30 days after we have received them and verified your identity.

No extra fees shall be charged for your reasonable requests. However, regarding repetitive and unreasonable requests, fees will be charged based on actual costs. Requests that are repetitive, unrealistic, involve too much technical means (for example, a brand new system is requested or a radical changes have to be brought in), or might bring risks against others’ interests will be rejected.

In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, your requests will be rejected in the following situations:

a. The requests are related to national security and national defense security;

b. The requests are related to public security, public health and major public interests;

c. The requests are related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, judgment execution and the like;

d. There are solid proof proving that your request contains malice targets or abuse of rights;

e. Your request might result in damages to the interests of other individuals or organizations;

f. Your requests involve trade secrets.

What emails and information will be sent to you?

a. Email and information push service When you use our service, emails and information notifications might be sent to your devices. If you prefer not to receive these information, you can follow relevant instructions to unsubscribe on them.

b. Service announcements Service announcements may be sent to you when necessary (for example, a certain service function is unavailable due to system maintenance). You might not be able to unsubscribe these announcements that are related to the service, but are not in the nature of promotion.

How does the revision of this policy work?

This policy will be modified when necessary. Your rights stipulated in this policy will not be shortened without your consent. Any alterations about this policy will be posted on this website. You will be informed of major alterations through information push service, emails and announcements. Major alterations herein include but are not limited to:

a. Major changes in our service modes such as targets of personal information processing, types of personal information processing and use of personal information;

b. Major changes in our company ownership structure and organization structure such as business re-arrangement, ownership changes caused by bankruptcy and acquisition;

c. Major changes in the main targets of personal information sharing, transfer and public disclosure;

d. Major changes in your rights to and the forms of participation in personal information processing;

e. Changes in departments responsible for personal information security, their contact information and channels for complaint;

f. Personal information security evaluation form indicates possible high risks.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy, please send them to 【fivestarv247@hotmail.com】.

We have appointed a commissioner for personal information protection, whom you can reach via 【fivestarv247@hotmail.com】.

We will generally reply within 30 days.